Safe Medicine Disposal Bin Locations
Do you want to know the locations in your community where you can safely dispose of unwanted medicines? Click on the link below and use the search function in the page that pops up to find convenient and secure drop-off locations in California, in addition to where you can find mail-back supplies. Call (844) 4-TAKE-BACK or (844) 482-5322 for more information or to order mail-back supplies.
Click here for the latest and most accurate safe medicine disposal bin location map.

How does it work?
Follow these 3 easy steps:
At home, remove pills and other solid medications from their containers and consolidate in a clear plastic zipper bag. Keep liquid and cream medication tightly sealed in their original containers. (NOTE – keep medications in their child-proof container until just prior to drop off).
Remove, mark out, or otherwise obscure personal information from solid and liquid/cream medication containers to protect your personal information. Recycle containers for solid medications in your household recycling.
Bring zipper bag and any liquids/creams to a Don’t Rush to Flush location and place in the bin – It’s that easy!
Note: Medications should remain in the original child-proof container until just prior to drop-off.
What goes in the Don't Rush to Flush bins?
What can I put in the bin?
Prescription medications
Only certain locations accept Schedule II to V Controlled Substance medications. Please check the bin locations map for information about what types of medications each site can accept.
Over-the-counter medications
Medicated ointments and lotions
NOTE: Leave tightly sealed in original containers.
Pet medications
Liquid prescriptions
Must be 6 oz. or less and in sealed bottles.
Note: Schedule II to V Controlled Substance medications are prescribed medications that are strictly regulated because they have a high potential for abuse and/or can cause harm when ingested by the wrong person. To check if your medication is a controlled substance, please check this short list or this complete list.
What can't I put in the bin?
Illegal (Schedule I) Controlled Substances
E.g. marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc.
Medical Sharps and Needles
Hypodermic needles, syringes, auto injectors, infusion sets, connection needles/sets, and lancets.
E.g. EpiPen®.
Iodine-containing medications
Mercury Thermometers
Chemotherapy or cytotoxic medications
Compressed cylinders or aerosols
E.g. asthma inhalers.
NOTE: Check signage on the med bin and local rules of the disposal/incinerator operator as they may allow inhalers to be put into bins.
Vitamins and dietary supplements
Business medical waste
E.g. company representative’s product samples, waste from hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s, dentist’s, and veterinarian’s practices.
General Reference Information
What if I want to learn more about the DHCS California Drug Take-Back Program?
Click here for more information.
What if I have additional questions?
We encourage you to reach out to us via email (info@calpsc.org).